Horrific journey

What you are going to read is a true story. It happened to me while my father was driving his private car with me along the agricultural road to enjoy my mid-year holiday in a village in Cairo seven years ago. The scene took place while my father was driving his car at eleven o'clock in the evening. Suddenly, I heard  shooting of guns between some drugs traders and policemen at one of the ambushes of road security and spot checking to cars on the road. Before checking their car, just few meters from my car, they started to escape and shoot fire against policemen. They came close to me with their wild dog. Their dog was so wild that it might have attacked my car and my body at the same time. The dog had an acute face and poisonous teeth that made you piss unconsciously. After that my father tried to escape from danger, but he  crashed into a tree.  We both fainted. After the fight, the policemen arrested some of them but others died with their wounds. The policemen then came close to check what happened to me and my father and called the ambulance to take us to the hospital. After we  woke up , we decided not to drive  in the evening. We decided to be careful and drive in the morning or not to go out for any trip. I realised that human's home is more secure than any place.
ان ما ستقراوه هو قصه حقيقيه قد حدثت لى عندما كنت اقود سيارتى على طول الطريق الزراعى  كى اقضى اجازه نصف العام فى احدى قرى القاهره منذ حوالى سبعه اعوام تبدا الاحداث بقياده ابى للسياره وانا معه فى الساعه الحاديه عشره مساءا  اذا فجاه نسمع طلق نارى بين الشرطه وتجار مخدرات اثناء التفتيش فى احد كمائن التفتيش وامن الطريق فى المساء وقبل فحص سيارتهم وعلى بعد امتار قليله من سياره ابى حاولت عصابه تجار المخدرات الافلات من التفتيش ولكن قامت قوات الشرطه باطلاق النيران على العصابه فاقتربت العصابه قليلا من سيارتنا ومعهم كلب شرس يجعلك من كثره الخوف ان تتبول لا اراديا فعلا انه كلب شرس ذو وجه كئيب قاسى وانياب سامه اذا هاجم البشر فانه يفتك بهم فتك فبعدها حاول ابى الهروب من الخوف والقلق ولكن لم يتمالك أعصابه فاصطدم بشجره وفقدنا الوعى  بعد فتره قليله إنتهت المعركه وقامت الشرطه بالقبض على بعض من افراد العصابه اما الباقون فقد ماتوا متاثرين بجرحهم
اقتربت الشرطه من سيارتنا واتصلت بالاسعاف كى تنقلنا للمستشفى لانقاذنا بعد ان استيقظنا قرر ابى الا يقود بالليل اما انا ادركت ان القياده بالنهار احسن من الليل واجركت ان بيت الانسان افضل من هذا بكثير


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