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HForCare | More Benefits of Folic Acid

HForCare | More Benefits of Folic Acid

More Benefits of Folic Acid

Many of us have heard of folic acid. Most women know how important this is during pregnancy to help us havehealthy babies. We have known for years that this helps prevent miscarriages and birth defects. However, recentresearch has also proven that folic acid can help prevent some types of autism. Some of the highest numbers was a 40% less risk of having a child withautism if mom takes folic acid supplements duringpregnancy. Eating lots of greens during pregnancyhelps, but in order to get enough, supplements will have to be consumed. The most crucial time for this is the 4 weeks before conception through 8 weeks ofpregnancy. That is the most critical growth period for baby. While the research on autismis still in the works and inconclusive, we know quite a bit about it. The absolute chance of having an autistic child is small, so preventing it is still difficult as the causes are still somewhat a mystery. The bottom line here is that when you are planning on becoming pregnant, or already are, you should take your prenatal vitaminseat healthygreen food, and live an overall healthy life. How you treat your baby in-womb will determine how healthy they start their life.


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