Modern young man. 2019

My own feelings. 25-3-2019 before being 27years.
Before being twenty seven
Even before it rings eleven
I want to expose myself as a young man
Over that social pan
I consider myself a big fan
To a sense of pride
On that far side
Along that road
Of reality that seems wide--

It's time to dive under that river
In which I can cover
All pains of no stable career
Is it suitable for me to marry?
I feel really sorry
For my self and want to bury
All worries and decisions
Of inner obsessive behaviors--

Before my real birthday
I want to say
And stay with a desire to marry
And bury
Any moment to feel sorry--
I want a nice girl- so respected
Selected and promised
So modest and clean
I want her tasteful
Tasteful to make life green
I want her to make me quiet
As a coffee bean
I want  her helpful to build
A cottage of education to new generation
Without hesitation
Towards good behaviours
And strong determination

Before my birthday
I want to wave
And free my inner slave
I want to reveal my inner sensation
Around just feeling of determination
Towards strong desires
Against any evil dires
And those evil fires
Away from suspicion
In my sturdy will
Let's build the peace
And collect every piece
Of my torn beat
On that lovely seat--

But after my birthday
I have a desire to play
The role of being number one
Under these rays of the Sun
I wanted to have fun
As life resembles a big bun
I have a desire to pay
A price for my decay
I have a will to disparage
My inner feelings of being week
And climb that high peak
I have a strength to speak
And eradicate a moment of depression
A minute of sensation
Towards harvest of new dictation
To all ideas apart from hesitation--

With my God's will
I can't fill
My heart with dirts
And clean them inside a deep well
I have a strong shout
To stop haziness and doubt
I want to drill a hole
And stop feeling of being fool
I want to ask for forgiveness
And sense of great happiness
A way of benefits and usefulness
Away from suspicion and mess-


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