Being president since my youth:
Whatever I want I do without oath
For that, I built Democratic Party
To rule and control my country-
But corruption covers all with its wing
So all youth bring the right and sing
Then keep our souls from every sting
Within the voice of freedom face book
To cling
The ideas with one tie,
And makes all one within one sigh
We are high and high-
Face book is a legend of technology,
We use all what related to psychology,
To keep our people away any hurt;
We can guide youth with fine chart,
After that, President announces his exchanging
We rise up with delight and chanting.
Let‘s create fan pages in face book,
To interchange many notions within this book;
You must be aware of any trap book,
We are not deceived within any trick.

Stained Souls
Once I wondered in a vast field,
I saw peasants cut the crops,
It was the time to yield,
A beautiful peasant wanted to hold,
Anything around her even weed,
I shouted and told her
Impossible to steal the seed
Even if you love greed,
Or find a need To feed,
But you have to take hold of right,
And follow the righteous diet,
Here you are values and customs
In front of you Laws and orders
The court of justice taught me
From my youth to be just and free
Impossible to face me to breach
Any promises with high premises
I never take hold of anything,
You offer and bring,
Before I know its source
And recognize its trace
Whatever under any force
I drank its river, ate its crops,
And educated in its schools,
Thus, I cannot strike it with any tools,
besides I cannot draw from our rules,
She laughed at my absurdity
She was out of sanity;
And gathered her sons and decided
To eradicate my liberty and identity,
Firmly I stood –saying Hail! Hail!
Calm with my situation not to wail
For help all friends came,
We are pure, we are the same
To get rid of cruelty,
Hereby they loved to follow out sanity,
To modify all stained questions,
Before we tainted these bad infections,
We modify all corruption and upside-down matters,
After 4 months, I saw her as a cow behind jail with her sons,
In white suits behind the butcher to slay it at once,
We are youth delighted for our triumphs,
How  a great news
Are there other foes?
What can block us to raise our hands to starry skies?!

3Free will 2011
It is my way towards election,
I must go and do any action,
In my home, in my country,
I  find love and democracy,
Great space of freedom,
It is liberty on high dome,
Here, you find expansive living,
After the era of no living,
Ambiguous era of no living,
Wake up from deeply sleeping,
Stop sorrow and weeping,
Run a way to world of light,
Away from harm and bite,
All comes to you never easy,
You must be serious not crazy,
Be clear in thinking not hazy,
-It is kite of three colors-
Come on the gate of no refuse,
The time of objection and abuse,
Help me to mend and reuse,
The ability of flexible belief in abstruse,
Let me hide all hypocrisy,
My name is freedom and democracy,
Wide the way of no flicker,
It is time for doctor and hacker,
Twit all day with no stop,
You are free and fop,
It is time to communicate and
Cope with love and hope


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